Friday, September 25, 2009

Final Pictures of the 60 x 48" Commission

Well, I finished the commission piece... and they LOVE it!! I'm thrilled.

This first photo shows the overall finished piece. Subsequent photos are close-ups and include notes on what I saw in the artwork. I included some of my client's comments as well.

I did not share my insights with my client, I let them see through their own eyes. I am amazed at what they saw.

Wild Red Poppies (aka Heaven and Earth - as titled by client)
signed, dated 09
acrylic, pencil, magazine, newspaper and fabric collage on linen
61.5 x 49.5 in, framed
SOLD $1800

Detail #1>
My Observations: The old oak tree, the tree of life and knowledge. It's arms around the people, protecting them and showing them love. This is a mystical doorway to god.
Client Observations: "This is Heaven."

Detail #2>

My Observations: A little boy kneels in the grass looking and discovering. Playful and exuberant, he delights in his discoveries. Butterflies (beneath him, and hidden to right): symbol of hope, freedom, transformation and growth.
Client Observations: She has a nephew that has passed away, "this is him", she said. Also when she sees a butterfly she imagines him sending it down to earth.

Detail #3>
My Observations: An angel, bowed to her heart. Around her, the dark red splotches are the wild red poppies - lush!

Detail #4>
My Observations: Girl singing with joy. Happiness bursting from her heart. Delicate pond of lily pads and flowers. A town, bridge, moon and shooting stars.

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